Saturday, July 15, 2006

horoscope . 15o7o6 .


External influences are not healthy for you right now. Avoid outside pressures.Looking to magazines, television shows or even radio programs for the guidance you want right now is a waste of time. External influences aren't going to give you the insight you need -- how could they? They don't know you or what motivates you. To hear what you need to hear, you must get with the people who know you (and care about you). Ask a lot of questions and be open to the truth. Make it clear that you can handle it.


Believe your own eyes today when someone's behavior contradicts what they preach.Not all people fulfill their promises, and today you get a fresh perspective on someone who is veering close to being a hypocrite. This person's aims are more ambitious than their abilities. It's a harsh lesson for anyone to learn, but even more so for them. Believe what you see and form your own opinions. Your honest assessment could help them, but are you willing to chance their volatile reaction? Keep your distance from folks who aren't capable of facing facts.

If you're waiting for a major change, it won't come unless you go and seek it out.If you want something (or someone), go out and get it. Avoid playing hard to get or pretending you're not that interested -- they're just silly ploys to hide your insecurities, and you're much better than that. Your drive is in need of a loud wake-up call, that's all. Shake it up and make the changes you've been hoping someone else would make. You know what needs to be done, and you know how to do it. If you act boldly enough, this day will offer you many accomplishments.


Pay close attention to the people around you, and try to respect their perspectives.All of the people in your life -- family, coworkers, friends and even casual acquaintances -- will be sharing a lot more of themselves in the near future. You've been doing a wonderful job of making it clear that you're there for them and ready to listen to whatever they have to say. Starting today, they're taking you up on that offer. Pay close attention to them and keep your promises. You need to respect their perspectives, too -- no matter how difficult that may be.


Old bad habits will pop back into your life -- but you're stronger than they are.Poke around some potential new hobbies or diversions today -- you're in need of a distraction to take your mind off negative influences that may be popping up in your life. These are things you thought were long gone, foes you thought you'd conquered a long time ago. Unfortunately, they'll reappear today or very soon. You're stronger than these forces, but don't let your confidence put you in situations that you can't get out of. Keep your distance to be on the safe side.

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