27-09-08 SATURDAY.
Chinhongg's " booking " out day:D Told Gf,Shine & Pearl to meet up 11.30am at Clementi Mrt. Surprisingly,Gf was the first to reach,followed by me and after a long long time,Shine & Pearl finally reached. Daddy fetched us to Maju camp,looking at all the army boys,they seemed to all have the same faces. Ch was with Xiaodee,yes,Xiaodee went into Maju camp too. After taking a few pictures there and playing around,all of us headed off to IMM to have our lunch. Dee & Ch acted like as though they just came out of prison,they were craving so much for Coke & fast food. So choice-less,we ended ourselves at Long John Silver.
After lunch,we went off to puff & cam-horing. The weather,damn hot. After slacking for awhile,Dee headed home,Ch headed home to change while the girls headed off to Causeway. Saw many weirdos there,haha. Walked around,had our dessert,then took the mrt to Admiralty,Ch hop in. Pearl & Shine went dropped off at Ang Mo Kio i think,and so,Ch,Gf & me went to Marina Square because Ch said he wanted to go there.
Met Darling ( Kiro ) up at City Hall. Lots of people,lack of oxygen,lol. Walked our way to Marina Square,accompanied darling to eat Mac,slacked there & saw Zhi Sheng & Wayne. Went off to arcade -.- Around 8 plus,Ch went off due to bore-ness. Leaving Darling,Gf & me. Saw Kewei & Bai bai,awww. Around 9 plus,Gf & me headed off to O2 but soon darling came along too. Had roti prata while waiting for that fcuker,Sylvester. He's always late,very late,and we'll always be the one waiting for him. Forever spoiling my mood.
Finally,they reached. Syl,Weihao,Peter.. then Taiseng..then Zhanhao..then Bok & his Gf.. Then er,i forget that guy's name but i rmb his age. LOL. Drank quite alot,for me. Losing my senses,i did stupid things like calling J & messaging him. Talking nonsense to Gf. Around 2 plus,came home,slept around 3 plus. Fun day,happy day.
More pictures with Pearl,though she has updated,but i shall upload them tmr or i say,soon(:
28-09-08 Sunday.
Woke up around 2 plus,had Gf's ai xin lunch. Prepared,rushed down to Great World to meet classmates to study. Didn't study long,because i was late & they were there like around 2 ? Lol. I was there around 4 plus. Around 5 plus,Miss tan brought us to Ichiban for our early dinner. Each of us paid $10,the rest was on her. She even got each of us a pen,how sweet of her(: After eating,went to the arcade,again -.- Played,fun:D Then after that,headed off to Jalan Membina with Judy,Benedict,Ken & two of their friends from STC. Met Weisheng there,played basketball. Came home arond 9 plus. Ate again -.- , now i'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo tired.
Exams exams later on,Bio,Chem,Math paper 1. WTF,from morning till late noon,4. Nvm,tolerate and mug hard,Friday's the last paper. I haven't even do my art,its gonna buang ): Don't ~
I'll write you a list of my old shoes & i'll pass them to you,make sure you go find them. Seriously, its so obvious that you're out to make my blood boil. I drank so much ytd because i got to know about your nonsense,who are you to make my blood boil? Who are you to wear my old shoes? Why not tell me? You're stupid,and thats the fact. I'm stupid,i admit because i wonder why is my blood boiling when i hear about you. _|_.
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