Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Firstly,Happy 17th Birthday darling ! (: Present for you soon.
Secondly,these pictures taken from Pearl's blog(: over-due pictures.

We wasn't suppose to go close to him because he was in his uniform. _|_ . But then again,i look like some " Welcome on board " person,lol.

Alrights,exams are stressful,math paper 1 nearly made me cry like a baby while doing. Art's shit,i was rushing throughout the night. Now i'm left with my last two papers,Geo & Math paper 2. Its on friday & i'm free after that,finally :D After 4 years. & studying later on with Co. at Great World,yawn,i'm still tired,can i go back to sleep?! :D

I've been pushing hard to open up the door,trying to take us where we were before.
I wanted you.
So believe me,i am sorry,i am.

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