I am dumb.
I feel like,Chen xin yi.
Trying my very very best,to throw everything behind.
& guess what.
Sean reminded me by talking about Ahjie & Fred.
Well,when i got to know they are tgt.
I'm actually very disappointed and angry with myself.
But happy for them lah.
I've not taken out enough time to go read each and everyone's blog.
Not taken enough time out to meet them.
Not taken enough time out to meet anyone.
Its like i've thrown everything away.
Standard things every week,
work,mahjong once in a while,dawn, home.
Then when i take out a little time to read some blog.
I've got to catch up many posts and realise they are going on very well.
Which is a good thing but i wished i could be like this too though.
I don't know.
Too much for me to elaborate lah.
I'm tired and i need to sleep.
I need to continue dreaming.
Seems like dreaming is much better.
I don't gain anything from it,
but still i can feel pain and at times,happy.
I've got to feel happy.
Stay positive.