Thursday, February 04, 2010

Times i get so tired that i don't want to care anymore.
Sometimes you just get sick after a whole full day at work,
be back home and read stuffs you don't want to read,
see things you don't want to see.

Not understanding alot of problems,
and got no idea how to deal with them.

When some people pushed you to a corner to make decisions you're not ready to,
you sometimes just make the wrong ones.
& right at this moment,
I am too tired to bother all stuffs,
i give up,everything that i'm suppose to make decisions now.

I'm busy with work and alot alot of stuffs coming on these few weeks.
How can it be nobody understands and gives you their problems & pain?!

I don't know. This is just too crazy for me.
I am just having mood swings.
I am so angry and upset.
This is stupid.

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